PGID3 is a GTK2 ID3v1 and ID3v2 tag editor written in PHP. The ID3 writing libraries have been fully custom written and the application was built to run with minimal dependencies. It is known to run on Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, and Windows.

I wrote this because XMMS is only good for editing the ID3v1 tags, and I was fairly unhappy with nearly every other media player and tag editing application for Linux. It was built with support for QueryXMMS, which allows PGID3 to work with XMMS's playlist.

What Is New?
2007/08/29 :: Release v2.1
- Drag And Drop Support. You can now drag and drop an MP3 file from your File Manager (e.x. Thunar, Nautilus, Windows Explorer... ) and it will then open the file.
- Bigger Is Better. I swear that one button looks hell cool being fatter than the others.
- New Field: Track. PGID3 is now able to tag the track number with the rest of the data. This brings the ID3v1 up to the v1.1 spec, and the ID3v2 tags have always been able to support it.
- Button Foolery. It now enables and disables buttons depending on if it would be pointless to click them, for example 'Strip ID3v1' if there are no ID3v1 tags, is disabled.
- New License. After reading the GPLv3, I had to stop and reflect back on my life and the choices I have made. For this reason all my 'open source' applications, including this one, are being migrated to the BSD License. PGID3 now uses this license. This does not really change anything, except shedding some stupid restrictions of the GPL in terms of reusing code.
- The entire GUI was rewritten using the PHP5 OOP Model. What does this mean? To the user it means absolutly nothing. To me the developer, it means adding more features later should be easier now that it all works together in the same physical universe. The only reason it was not done sooner is if you recall, PGID3 started on PHP-GTK1 which required PHP4, and the PHP4 Object Model blew chunks.
- I redid the website because I was bored. Actually, the NSFW version came first because... well I was bored and Compiz lets you do fun things. From that point on it just snowballed.